Friday 27th October 2023 at 7.30pm in Carlops Hall
Friday 27th October 7.30 pm – Autumn Charity Concert in Carlops Hall. Donations were collected in aid of the Christian Aid Middle East Crisis Appeal.
Sunday 16th April 2023 at 3.30pm in Carlops Hall
The Linton Singers along with members of The Edinburgh Renaissance Band took you on a musical tour of mass settings through five centuries with extracts from Missa Brevis (Bach/Palestrina), Mass for Four Voices (William Byrd), Little Jazz Mass (Bob Chilcott) and Missa Luba (Guido Haazen).
This was a charity concert supporting communities in Malawi devastated by the effects of Storm Freddy.
Friday, 23rd December at 7.30pm
Christmas Concert in Carlops Hall
As always this was a well attended concert which was very much appreciated by the audience. The taxi service for older residents was much appreciated.
Wednesday, 21st December 2022
6.00pm – Christmas carols at The Whim residential home for the elderly.
7.30pm at Garvald, near Dolphinton. A Christmas music concert for the residents. As always these two performances were much appreciated.
Saturday, 17th December from 12.00 – 1.00pm
Carol Singing at the Restoration Yard in Dalkeith Country Park.
Wednesday, 7th December at 7.00pm – CAROLS WITH KINDRED
in support of the charity Kindred and was held in St. Cuthbert’s Church, Edinburgh. Tickets £5. This concert was well attended with approximately 300 people in the audience and the monies raised for the charity was around £2,000. The concert was given by the choir along with members of the Edinburgh Renaissance Band. There was an enjoyable mix of carols and early music and this was well received by the audience.
Sunday, 6th November at 4.00a.m. Autumn Concert in Support of Penicuik Foodshare – Food, Facts, Friends. This concert was well attended and received an enthusiastic response from the audience. This was a programme of light popular music given in Carlops Hall. £275.00 was raised and this money has been transferred to Penicuik Foodshare – Food, Facts, Friends.
Sunday, 6th November at 4.00a.m. Autumn Concert in Support of Penicuik Foodshare – Food, Facts, Friends. This concert was well attended and received an enthusiastic response from the audience. This was a programme of light popular music given in Carlops Hall. £275.00 was raised and this money has been transferred to Penicuik Foodshare – Food, Facts, Friends.
With musicians from Cappella St. Stephan, Würzburg, Germany
and members of
The Edinburgh Renaissance Band
Gave a concert supporting the work of Mary’s Meals
Music by Giovanni Gabrieli, Heinrich Schütz, David Peebles
Robert Johnson, Orlando Lassus and J.S. Bach
Sunday 12th June 2022 at 7.00pm
Canongate Kirk, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh
Concert for Ukraine Sunday, 8th May 2022 at 4.00pm in Carlops Village Hall
All proceeds to Disasters Emergency Committee
The choir presented a relaxing afternoon of lovely music with something for everyone including “A prayer for Ukraine” written by Mykola Lysenko”
This was our first live concert since the pandemic and it was a lovely afternoon with a good and generous audience and we were happy to be able to transfer £520 to the Disasters Emergency Committee
Wednesday, 16th December at 7.00pm
The choir will be gave a free Zoom Carol Concert in conjunction with the Edinburgh Renaissance Band in support of the work of the Kindred Scotland organization. This was a jolly, festive sing-along of all your favourite carols and Christmas songs.
Saturday 19th December, 2020 at 7.30pm
The Linton Singers annual Carlops Christmas Concert was also a free Zoom event lasting about an hour. It included a few solo contributions, some communal carols as well as some old and new recorded items. This is another opportunity to come along and join us in a jolly festive sing-along.
Saturday, 28th March at 7.30pm – cancelled due to Coronavirus
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
The Linton Singers accompanied by the talented instrumentalists from The Edinburgh Renaissance Band were to have given a concert in support of the work of YMCA Edinburgh. YMCA Edinburgh empowers children, young people and families in Leith and across Edinburgh through their Play, Mentoring and Family services.
This concert was planned to illustrate the contrasting styles that composers have used over the centuries when writing music for a Mass and the programme will include:
Missa Brevis, Giovanni Palestrina (1525-1594)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Mass Felix Namque (Scottish 16thC)
The Little Jazz Mass by Bob Chilcott – current day composer
“Missa Luba” a Mass arranged by Guido Haazen in Congolese style
Monday, 23rd December, 2019 at 2.30pm
The choir were very happy to give a Carol concert at Braid Hills Care Home, 77 Liberton Drive, Edinburgh. There was a large audience for the choir and they seemed very happy to listen and join in with the music that we provided for them. It was a delight for us to see the enjoyment that people were having by listening to familiar Christmas music.
21st December, 2019 at 7.30pm
Christmas Carol Concert Carlops
This was another enjoyable evening of Christmas music with local friends and family in Carlops Hall. There was a relaxed party atmosphere along with hot mince pies and other seasonal favourites. There was also a great variety of Christmas music which was much appreciated by the audience.
Tuesday, 17th December
An enjoyable evening was spent at The Whim and Garvald singing Christmas music. This has been an annual event for many years.
6.30pm Carol singing at The Whim home for the elderly, Lamancha
8.00pm A carol concert for the trainees at Garvald, Dolphinton
Monday, 9th December, 2019
A very happy evening was spent at St. Cuthbert’s Church in Edinburgh when The Linton Singers gave a joint charity concert with The Edinburgh Renaissance Band in support of the Kindred organisation.
A Carol Concert with The Linton Singers and the Edinburgh Renaissance Band in support of the work of Kindred Scotland. All proceeds to Kindred.
St. Cuthbert’s Church, West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh

Sunday, 13th October, 2019 at 6.00pm
St. Stephan’s Church, Würzburg, Germany
The Linton Singers gave a joint concert with Cappella, St. Stephan, Würzburg and the instrumentalists from The Edinburgh Renaissance Band and Ensemble Resonanzen. The concert was entitled “Glory to Thee, my God, this night”. The conducting of the concert was shared between The Linton Singers Conductor, Murray Campbell and also Christian Heidecker who is Conductor of Cappella St. Stephan. This was a very happy and stimulating occasion which has provided so many happy memories for our choir and band members. The music was very well received by the large appreciative audience.

Concert Report by Jean Arulanantham
The Edinburgh Renaissance Band and the Linton Singers visited Würzburg in October 2019 and presented a concert jointly with the Ensemble Resonanzen and the Cappella St Stephan singers. Murray Campbell and Christian Heidecker were the two musical directors.
We have presented joint concerts with Cappella St Stephan on previous occasions but this was the first time we had heard the Ensemble Resonanzen, which featured sackbut and recorders.
The concert started with gloriously huge works by Hans Leo Hassler (Cantate Domino a 12), Claudio Monteverdi (Christe adoramus te), Heinrich Schütz (Herr, unser Herrscher) and Giovanni Gabrieli (Kyrie Eleison). I was lucky enough to be playing a lovely little chamber organ, and placed right in the middle of the action, at the front of the two choirs, in the middle of the instrumentalists. The combined voices must have been around 70 singers and the sound was spine tingling as they gave their all to these huge pieces, which were written to impress and inspire. The line up of sackbuts, viols, early violins, recorders, cornemuse and organ played with vigour and the result was uplifting.
Cappella St Stephan then gave us Gabrieli’s Jubilate Deo, and Palestrina’s gorgeous Tu es Petrus, both a cappella, and a wonderful contrast to the stirring opening.
The two instrumental groups next took turns to entertain, and I suspect both took away ideas for new repertoire and new interpretations. I think both groups had the experience of hearing an old favourite played differently, and then of hearing for the first time a piece that they would like to play for themselves. Ensemble Resonanzen gave us Tarquinio Merula’s Die Nachtigall, a virtuoso show stopper played on this occasion by four recorders in which the Nightingale’s flourishes were dazzlingly displayed. The Edinburgh Renaissance Band finished their section with Anthony Holborne’s The Fairie-Round, with its succession of jazzy syncopations.
St James Abbey, Wurzburg, was founded by Scottish (irish) monks in 1134; it fell into decline in the 14th century, but after the Protestant Reformation in Scotland many Scottish Benedictines left their country during the 16th century and took refuge in the Schottenklöster of Germany. In 1595 St James Abbey was occupied by Scottish monks until its suppression in 1803. A speciality of the Linton Singers is their repertoire of early Scottish vocal music, so their solo slot was three pieces by David Peebles (died 1579) – Si quis diligit me, Descendi in hortum meum, and Quam multi Domine. It seemed appropriate for this music to be heard so near to the former Scottish abbey.
The concert finished with the singers joining forces for Thomas Tallis ‘O sacrum convivium’, If ye love me, and finally Glory to Thee my God this Night. The evening had featured so many wonderful composers, but Tallis’ deceptively simple and strong lines provided a fitting ending.
We had an encore prepared, Murray Campbell’s excellent four part arrangement of Robert Burns ‘A Man’s a Man for a’ That’, and Cappella St Stephan had learnt it as well. The massed voices sang with conviction, accompanied by the instruments, and made an unforgettable end to a unique and very uplifting concert.
We were grateful to Christian Heidecker and the Cappella St Stephan who made us so welcome, entertained us, fed us, showed us their city and promised to come to Scotland again in a couple of years time. We are looking forward to that.
Jean Arulanantham
Video of Cantate Domino by Hans Leo Hassler:
Saturday 4th May 2019 – Fodderty and Strathpeffer Parish Church
The Linton Singers, The Edinburgh Renaissance Band and
Members of the Cnoc Fyrish Players gave a moving
Memorial Concert for Kitty Campbell who died last year
Saturday, 23rd March, 2019 at 7.00pm
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BX
The first performance of a new work by
Hannah Haynes: Cantata for Saint Triduana (2018)
Choir and orchestra with Soprano, Isolde James-Griffiths, Mezzo-Soprano Janet McKenzie and Baritone Tembu Rongong,
The libretto is based on a series of poems by Lynsay Downs and tells the strange (and perhaps somewhat allegorical) story of the life of Saint Triduana. For more information look at
The eighteenth century masterpiece Haydn’s THE CREATION
The choir were accompanied by an orchestra of 35 fine instrumentalists from the Lothians and Borders and Soloists:
Caroline Gold, Soprano, Tom Morss, Tenor, Tembu Rongong, Baritone, Royston Timewell, Bass and John Waugh, Bass
Goboti Village Forestry and Agricultural Project
This concert is in support of the CEMC Church project in Goboti. The final piece of work for Friends of Goboti (Scottish Charity No: SCO37618) which has been, for the last 19 years, funding much needed infrastructure in the village of Goboti which lies in South Africa’s Eastern Cape in one of the poorest areas of the country. Donations go directly to the village leaders, who are supported and led by Rev. Gcobani Vika, Methodist minister and son of the village.
Saturday, 22nd December, 2018 at 8.00pm in Carlops Hall
An enjoyable occasion took place on the weekend before Christmas with an evening of seasonal celebration with music and refreshments. There were many carols for audience participation.
Wednesday, 19th December, 2018
6.30pm – Christmas carols at Whim Care Home, Lamancha
8.00pm – A Christmas concert for the trainees at Garvald
These were two happy occasions that were much appreciated.
Friday, 23rd November, 2018 at 8.00pm in Carlops Hall
The choir were joined by the gentlemen from Tweed Valley Male Voices for a fun evening of light music by the two choirs.
Sunday 25th November 2018 – Singing at Traquair
The choir joined in the festivities at the Traquair Christmas Fair with a selection of seasonal music.
Saturday, 20th October, 2018
Early Music Forum of Scotland day of music at St. Celia’s Hall. A few members of the choir gave a half hour performance at 4.00pm along with instrumentalists from The Edinburgh Renaissance Band as part of the grand finale to the day’s music making.
Sunday, 17th June, 2018 at 11.00a.m
Opening celebrations for the Carlops community patio/garden
14 members of the choir were joined by local instrumentalists to bring some jolly music to the opening celebrations of the new garden.
Friday 25th May, 2018
Rosslyn Chapel, Chapel Loan, Midlothian, Roslin, EH25 9PU
The Linton Singers were joined by The Edinburgh Renaissance Band and Members of the Cappella St. Stephan, Würzburg
Exultent Caeli!
Choral and instrumental music from the golden era of the Venetian Republic. A recreation of the magnificent sound world of early seventeenth century Venice in the music of Giovanni Gabrieli, Claudio Monteverdi, and their German pupils Hans Leo Hassler and Heinrich Schütz.
Saturday, 14th April, 2018
The City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9BX
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mass in C major “Coronation Mass”, K.317
Gioachino Antionio Rossini Stabat Mater
The Linton Singers were joined by a fine orchestra of thirty musicians from Edinburgh and the Borders
Conductor: Murray Campbell, Guest tenor soloist: Tom Morss
Choir soloists: Caroline Gold (Soprano), Annie Patch (Mezzo-soprano) Margaret Torrance (Contralto), Les Morss (Tenor), Jamie Gilchrist (Bass) Royston Timewell (Bass), John Waugh (Bass)
This was a Charity concert supporting the work of Gilmerton Road Short Breaks Service. Action for Children offers a residential short break service to children and young people with learning disabilities.
Saturday, 23rd December, 2017
11.00pm – Whitmuir Farm at turkey collection time – carol singing for those doing last minute shopping or relaxing in the restaurant.
Wednesday, 20th December 2017
6.30pm – Carol singing for the residents at Whim Hall Nursing Home, Whim Estate, Lamancha, West Linton.
8.00pm – A Christmas Concert for the trainees at Garvald, West Linton Care Home
Saturday, 16th December 2017 at 7.30pm – Carlops Village Hall
Christmas Concert
This was a joyful occasion with Christmas music and carols for audience participation along with seasonal refreshments. The choir were joined by a a small choir of local children.
Saturday 28th October
St. Cecilia’s Hall, Edinburgh
A group from the Linton Singers joined the Edinburgh Renaissance Band in the beautiful surroundings of the newly refurbished St. Cecilia’s Hall, Niddry Street, Edinburgh to take part in the rolling programme of early music that took place from 12pm – 5pm. The music was well received and our members enjoyed the opportunity to look and listen to the many other groups who were performing.
Sunday, 12th November 2017 – Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh
The Linton Singers and The Edinburgh Renaissance Band Conductor: Murray Campbell
A celebration of the music of Claudio Monteverdi (born 450 years ago) and of his great contemporary Michael Praetorius. This was a charity concert supporting
Sunday, 17th September 2017 – Carlops Village Hall 6.45pm
The choir gave a Scratch performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria. The event was very popular and there were over sixty singers who gathered in Carlops Hall. There was a short rehearsal of the work at 7.00pm which was followed by a performance to a select local audience at 8.00pm. The performance was conducted by Murray Campbell and there was accompaniment by Jean Arulanantham on piano and local instrumentalists, John Levine and Patsy Campbell.
After the performance there was coffee and cake and an enjoyable time was had meeting the visiting singers and our audience.
Saturday, 25 March, 2017
Ola Gjeilo’s “Sunrise Mass”
Cherubini’s “Requiem in C minor”
This concert has supported the annual Methodist Church Project for 2016-17 “UNDER THE MANGO TREE”. A project with ambitions to improve the life chances of children in the rural Kambe area of Mombasa in Keyna by building a new classroom with strong foundations that would enable a further storey to be added in future.
23 December, 2016 Lamancha
Carol singing and Christmas music at Whitmuir Organic Farm.
21 December, 2016
6.30pm – Carol singing for the residents at Whim Hall Nursing Home, Whim Estate, Lamancha, West Linton.
8.00pm – A Christmas Concert for the trainees at Garvald, West Linton Care Home
17 December, 2016 – Carlops Hall
Charity Christmas Concert with seasonal refreshments Tickets £10
The choir gave a concert of popular carols for audience participation along with less familiar beautiful pieces by Holst, Praetorius, Grieg and Gjeilo. The Linton Singers were joined by a choir of children from West Linton Primary School. A donation of £150 from the proceeds of this concert has been given to the R.N.I.B. To support their work in developing the West Linton community Talking Childrens’ Books’