Welcome to the “New” Linton Singers website. If you have been re-directed here from the old site, you have come to the right place, and the new URL is https://www.lintonsingers.carlops.net
For more information please contact the Secretary at lintonsingers@carlops.net
The Linton Singers choir was founded in 1986 in the Scottish Borders village of West Linton which lies 17 miles south of Edinburgh.
The choir has mixed voices and a membership of around 30 singers drawn mainly from the Borders and the Lothians. Members gather from far and wide to share in their common interest – the singing and enjoyment of music. The choir is a member of the “Making Music” organisation that represents and supports over 1600 societies – amateur vocal, instrumental and promoting societies throughout the United Kingdom.
Rehearsals are held on Sunday evenings in the Village Hall in Carlops from 7.00pm until 9.30pm.
Over the years the choir has sung in numerous venues throughout the Lothians and Borders. They have also given performances in Orkney and overseas in Stockholm, Paris and Montbeliard in France, Prague, and Würzburg and Cologne in Germany.